Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention

In 1960 I sat glued to the television in our family’s apartment as Democrats from around the nation nominated John F. Kennedy. I was mesmerized by the convention process and dreamed that someday I would be "involved" in a political convention. My interest in the political process and in politics continued to grow in the months that followed as J.F.K. defeated Richard Nixon, becoming the first Catholic President.

Any thing was possible in this wonderful Nation of ours. Anyone could be successful! Anyone could be President! Dreams do come true, and my boy hood dreams of attending a National Convention are about to be realized many decades later. My father always reminded my brother and me how important it is for all American to be involved in the political process. We both have tried to follow his advice, I am certain he would be quite proud and perhaps a little envious of me and of my privilege to serve as a Delegate to the Convention.

This Democratic Convention isn't filled with the excitement of 1960 as modern conventions seldom are but the process of electing our Commander and Chief is just as important and exciting .

The times are different as we live in an era of gridlock and mean spirited discourse. The Nation cries for leaders that can compromise and find the common ground and not merely complain about the past without any plan for the future. As a delegate, I intend to ask the difficult questions and support those that seek compromise and consensus. The years of stagnation must end NOW. If our leaders, at any level of government, think that name calling and finger pointing is leadership, they are misguided and have misjudged the voters. Every American deserves better from our elected officials and should demand better.

We should vigorously remind all of our elected officials of the wisdom of John F. Kennedy, who said “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”

--- James T. Davis, Esquire

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